Originally, Parasyte was a science
fiction horror manga series written and illustrated by Hitoshi Iwaaki. During
2014 and 2015, the manga has been adapted in two live action films in Japan and
also an anime television series adaptation. The movie focuses on the story of a
17 year old guy name Shinichi Izumi, who lives in Tokyo together with his mom
and dad. One night, creatures called Parasytes appeared. They enter noses and
ears of humans, and takes over the brain. A parasite tries to crawl into
Shinichi’s ear, he was wearing headphones so it failed. Then it takes over his
right hand instead. He named it Migi, the Japanese word for right. Since
they’re one now, they started battling the other parasites who attempts to kill
other people and have them as food. On the last part of the movie, Shinichi
visited his mom. But she seems weird so Shinichi followed her as she walked.
They went to an abandoned place. He tried to talk to his mom, but she
discovered it has been attacked by a parasite. Shinichi and his mother fought,
both of them got hurt by each other. Then the parasite pretended to be the
mother of Shinichi. He realized that his mother was now gone and decided to
kill the parasite.
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